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Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine
Andrea L. Cline, L.Ac.
Andrea L. Cline
Licensed Acupuncturist - State Medical Board of Ohio
Diplomate of Acupuncture - (NCCAOM) National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
B.S. Biology - Defiance College
Masters Program - American Institute of Alternative Medicine
Clinical Internship - Guang An Men Hospital, Beijing, China
Clinical Internship - Hospital for Integrated Eastern & Western Medicine, Beijing, China

Here I'm performing some cupping on a patient in Beijing. Don't worry it only looks scary!
The flame is used to create a vacuum inside a glass cup. The cup is then applied to the skin, and the suction is used therapeutically to treat several ailments. Most often it is used to loosen fascia and increase circulation.
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